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The Best 7 Fishes in Aquaponics


Fishes in aquarium is an oldest hobby and trade medium. Putting fishes in aquarium for pretty view are called Ornamental fish or Living jewels. There are about 32000 species of fishes which is higher than any vertebrate. Out of which 2500+ species can be in aquarium.

The fish Aquaponics System

The fish Aquaponics System

And about 22+ species are used for aquaponic farming. Keeping all of them is not same you need to get proper knowledge about fish. Its food, climatic requirement, production rate and much more.

Let’s Discuss few of them.


Tilapia is among most commonly cast-off fish for aquaponics. There are about 45 more or less species of tilapia so you need to be so careful before choosing it for your aquaponics aquarium.

Tilapia in Aquaponics

Tilapia in Aquaponics

It is one of the strongest specie. They are adaptive to any type of environment and can endure in broader range of temperature and ph. like 6.5 – 9. But they must remain in a bit warmer water above 55 °F.  They have fastest growth rate. They are omnivorous.


Trout is another good option and widely used for aquaponics, especially in UK. Touts are carnivorous cold-water inhabitants. They eat fishes, insects and soft invertebrates.

Trout in aquaponics

Trout in aquaponics

They are also good to temperature its ranges from 56 – 68 °F. Its ph. ranges from 6.0-8.0. They are so scrumptious in taste and are accessible throughout the year. It is ready to give benefits within 7-8 months. They are low maintenance and cheap in price. But can’t be keep with other fishes.


I would recommend catfish for beginners. They are adaptive to multiple environments so easy to manage. They can be grown with other fishes. They can bear different water temperature.

Catfish in aquaponics

Catfish in aquaponics

They are too carnivorous but eat small fishes and insects and plants too. There are about 3000 species of catfish but not all are good for aquaponics. They breed so quickly but need high protein food. They have strong ability to fight disease so they spread less disease. Best catfishes that can be used for aquaponics are Channel Catfish and African catfish.


Koi is a crap type fish. One of the demanded fish for aquaponics. You must be thinking koi is not an edible fish then what’s the benefit of keeping this? Koi has a lot more benefits then being served for your dinner. It is one of the hardest fishes it can survive under high temperature usually ranges from 30-70 °F and ph. level ranges from 6.5 – 8.

koi fish in aquaponics system

koi fish in aquaponics system

Koi are very strong robust to diseases. They produce ammonia, magnesium and potassium which plays vital role in plants growth. It has a large lifespan. Well, it’s a bit expensive not too much but yeah it is and it become difficult to keep it cleans as is grows older.



A fresh and salt water fish also known as Asian Sea Bass. It has parallel feature to trout but growing it as compare to trout is not a joke. It is one of the fastest growing fish species but still you need to get some experience before going for Barramundi. It requires cold water which temperature ranges from 26 – 28 °C. They are carnivorous eat small fishes smaller than 15 cm.

Barramundi fish in aquaponics

Barramundi fish in aquaponics

They are born in saltwater and spend their lives in freshwater and then progeny in saltwater. Due to climatic demand people prefer to keep it in summer and trout in winter. Although they are delicious to have in dinner but still barramundi is not the first choice for aquaponics.



Goldfish in aquaponics

Goldfish in aquaponics

An attractive fish, simple word to explain goldish in my views. This is a blessed fish for aquaponics. Cheapest, available at any fish shop, adopted to temperature ranges from 40 – 80 °F, fast reproduction, produce larger amount of nutrients what else you want? yeah, just not for your dinner. They require ph. level from 6 to 8. If you live in a cool are gold fish are more suitable for you.

Silver Perch:

Silver perch calm and a good to go fish. Its so easy to handle. It has wider capacity to bear temperature they can grow even in cooler water but in a slow speed.

Silver Perch in aquaponics

Silver Perch in aquaponics

They can survive from   50-90 °F with ph. ranges from 6-9. They need a year or less to weight almost 12 ponds. They usually like to have vegetarian lunch but eat small fish too. They are easy to keep with other fishes. They are not much delicious but not bad. They contain large number of proteins in their flesh and produces greater amount of nutrients for your plants. You can feed them easily from the plants they are helping to grow.


There is still huge variety of fishes to know about for aquaponics. Choosing right fish according to your plants can be time taking but if once you chose it right it going to worth it. But then choosing a fish more complex is to make a routine for their and plants care once you get set a routine and become use to it going to serve you with delicious lunch and dinner every weekend either in meat or herbs. Just enjoy it.

Thankyou for reading our article if you want to know more about aquaponics and more bookmark us. Till then Good Luck.


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