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Aquaponics | An Eco-Friendly Farming System

Aquaponics System

Aquaculture + Hydroponics = Aquaponics


Aquaponics is basically a blend of Aquaculture (breeding of aquatic animals) with Hydroponics (growing plants without soil).

Aquaponics is like making fish to work for plants and plants for fish. It’s a cooperation among fish and plants.



How it Works?

Aquaponics is a fun process in which there is exchange of waste by product by both sides, fish and plants. Fish produces waste which becomes food for the bacteria present in plants roots, which turn water into a fertilizer. Plants absorb fertilizer, cleans the water and returns it to fish. That’s how simple and fun the process of Aquaponics is.


  1.  In Aquaponics farming consumption of water is just 2% which is 90% less than other farming. And as we have hinted, world war 3 is going to be over water, Aquaponics farming may delay it. Lolls Just kidding. But it actually saves precious water.
  2.  Aquaponics is such a quick process. How? Balance to one square meter soil land aquaponics farming produces 10 to 40 times more. This greatly reduces the amount of farm needed to grow food.
  3.  Aquaponics saves fertile soil land for other valuable uses which are difficult to find now in such a polluted world. An Ideal Aquaponics system can be set on only 5 acres of any type of land. Even in a parking lot or on your roof top. Look how friendly it is.
  4.  Aquaponics farming not only saves land and water but also energy. It only consumes 25% of electrical energy as compared to growing the same product via other farming techniques. Aquaponics completely says no to petroleum energy so it saves the environment.
  5.  As I said earlier Aquaponics is quite easy and fun to grow. It saves farmers time from looking all over time to save veggies from small insects because in aquaponics farming, it puts an end to insects. Which means no use of harmful products to eliminate insects, so air will be fresh.
  6.  Aquaponics makes fish grow in freshwater which helps them to feel free of hormones and antibiotics.
  7.  The most amazing thing I enjoy about aquaponics farming is we can grow veggies and proteins at the same time, with the same energy and with the same budget. Because fish have the finest feed turning capacity as compared to any other protein animal. How amazing is this?
  8.  As in aquaponics farming, there is no need for soil so it automatically eliminates soil borne diseases and saves us.
  9.  Aquaponics creates only 25% of wastes as compared to other framings.
  10.  Aquaponics can surprisingly produce food every week year round if combined with green houses.

How to grow?

Growing aquaponics crops is so easy, it can even be indoor. You just need some knowledge and energy. It’s just five steps away to grow aquaponics veggies at your home. Let’s start growing aquaponics together.

Aquaponics System

Aquaponics System

  Step 1: Make A Large Fish Tank:

I said large tank (aquarium) because it depends upon the breed of fish you are about to use.

DE chlorinate water minimum 4 weeks or maximum of 6 weeks before adding even a single fish.

After that add a pump that can draw water from the tank (aquarium) and pump it to plants to row beds and then back to the tank (aquarium).

 Step 2: Construct Grow Bed:

The built aquaponics system 2nd step is to make a grow bed that can either be above the tank (aquarium) or at sides but cannot be lower the tank (aquarium). But most preferred is above the tank (aquarium) so it can bear bed weight.

Grow Bed is basically a bed (container) where we grow plants. It’s also called a media bed and flood table.

For grow bed you can use

  1.  Plywood (Coat with non-toxic waterproof covering)
  2. Strong Plastic Tray
  3. Wooden pallet

or any heavy duty thing similar to them. But make sure things should be


After choosing material for the grow bed, drill two holes First at top of bed for water supply pump from fish tank and other at bottom of bed. Pump should be installed in the tank (aquarium). So it can cycle the water process properly.

Then use any medium like clay pebbles or clay balls or LECA Light Expanded Clay Aggregate which can maintain a neutral ph. level.

Step 3: Fish Time:

Now, your aquaponics aquarium if cycling properly, it is ready to welcome homies (fish). You might be thinking about which fish? Don’t worry I will tell you.

There are variety of fish that can be used but mostly used are:

  1. Koi
  2. Catfish
  3. Bass
  4. Tetras
  5. Carp
  6. Tilapia
  7. Pacu
  8. Goldfish
  9. Trout
  10. Perch
  11. Barramundi
  12. Crustaceans

And many more.

 Step 4: Planting time:

After buying fish and putting them into the tank it’s time to add some plants (seeds). But you must have some prior knowledge about plants just like fish.

You must know which sort of veggies can grow best via aquaponics farming.

  1. Mint
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Basil
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Cauliflower
  6. Cabbage
  7. Squash
  8. Peas
  9. peppers
  10. Strawberries
  11. Water crease
  12. lettuce
  13. beets
  14. Radish
  15. Orchids

and this list is never-ending. Aquaponics system has a huge variety to grow.

It’s much better and easier to plant a seed in medium (can be pebbles) as compared to roots. It’s good to start from zero.

Aquaponics fish tank

Aquaponics fish tank

 Step 5: Maintenance:

 This is the most important and simple step of aquaponics farming or any other farming.

  • System Maintenance:
  1. Keep your Aquaponics system clean and use only fresh pollution-free water to get healthy results.
  2. Test the water of the tank (aquarium) every week to check if things are working well or not like ph., ammonia and nitrate levels.
  3. Ideal ph. level is 6.8-7.0.
  • Fish Maintenance:
  1. Feed your fish fresh and quality food and limit which they can finish in a while. So it is always fresh.
  2. Feed it 3 to 4 times a day.
  3. Try to avoid live food to the tank it may bring any disease or infection to the tank.
  4. Do Not compromise on food quality so it shouldn’t contain any product which makes the forcefully hormonal change.
  • Plants Maintenance:
  1. It’s a bit difficult for plants to sustain in a sudden new environment but if they are given the right environment at the right time it’s so easy.
  2. Keep your plant’s tendon as in a normal farm. But be careful there shouldn’t be extra weeds growing.
  3. Make transplantation carefully because if you succeed you are going to get excellent results from your hard work.

Types of Aquaponics System:

There are four types of aquaponics system which are written below:

  1.  Drip Irrigation
  2.  Deep Culture
  3.  Flood and Drain
  4.  Nutrient film techniques.

I hope this information helps you well. It’s not just this, there is a lot more to know about Aquaponics, but this information will also help you a lot to grow your own aquaponics farm. to know more about aquaponics  keep visiting .

 Good Luck!


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